Are you preaching another Gospel? If Apostle Paul has to walk into the modern-day Church I guess they would throw him out the door even before they knew who he was and call him “You heretic” for what he would Preach. If you look at what the modern-day Church teaches (current) and measure it against Paul’s teachings then it is all manmade, another Gospel.
Galatians 1:6-9
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
9 As we have said before, so now I say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Paul was very clear that anyone who preaches another Gospel, in Hebrew heteros meaning different Gospel, a double curse would rest on him. Paul uses the word Gospel and Grace interchangeably calling his Gospel ” The Gospel of Grace” (See Acts 20:24) But some people obviously couldn’t believe that Paul would say that ” 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed” so Paul repeated himself “9 As we have said before, so now I say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. Another Gospel is anything not in line with what Paul preached, anything that is not Grace based, meaning New Covenant based on the Finished Work of Jesus, its either man-made (Theology promoting something else) or from God. Now hear me right, I am not against Theology, but instead of studying someone’s opinion why not rather study the word self and show yourself approved. Theology has so many errors, God’s word is perfect and has no errors, in studying the word discern the context Question 1. Who was it written to? (Context.) Question 2. What does it say? (Content.) Question 3. How does it apply to me -in the New Covenant?
-through the finished work of the cross, through Jesus? Applying this approach to tricky scriptures will eliminate 98% of all interpretation problems… Let us not preach another Gospel. It is crucial for every believer, when reading the Bible, to rightly divide the Word, and to separate what belongs to the old covenant of law and what belongs to the new covenant of grace. When people quote Old Testament passages without appropriating the cross of Jesus in their interpretations, they make it seem as though the cross of Jesus Christ made no difference at all, leading to many misunderstandings and misinterpretation of the Bible. What Jesus did on the cross created the new covenant, and made the first covenant—the covenant of the law—obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). In this new covenant, Jesus has already fulfilled for us the righteous requirements of the law (Romans 8:3–4), so that we are no longer under law but under grace (Romans 6:14). Hence, we need to learn to rightly divide the covenants—by studying and reading all scripture in the light of the cross. This was the apostle Paul’s advice to his young apprentice, Timothy: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Whether interpreting the Old Testament, or the words which Jesus spoke in the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), let Jesus and His finished work at the cross be the key to unlocking all the precious gems hidden in God’s Word. This means that we have to read everything in the context of what He came to do and what He accomplished at the cross for us. For example, some things that Jesus said in the four gospels were spoken before the cross—before He had died for our sins—and some were said after the cross—when He had already won our complete forgiveness and rightfully given us His righteousness. It is the latter that applies to us (believers under the new covenant) today. Here follows a comparison, now not all modern-day Churches preach another Gospel,
Paul’s teachings | Modern Day Church (ANOTHER GOSPEL) |
1. Where sin abounds grace superabounds. Receive fresh Grace for every trial. Rom 5:20 | Where sin abounds there is judgment, a believer must repent or go to hell or leave the Church |
2. A believers forgiveness depends on Jesus’ Death &blood & not his repentance, penance, or confession Eph 1:7, Col 2:13-14 | A believers forgiveness depends entirely on the confession of sins, repent, mourn, cry, cry till you can’t cry anymore, beg, feel sorry for yourself, it’s all about the believer, no Christ-centeredness |
3. Believers are under Grace the New Covenant and not under Law the Old Covenant (Not saying throw Old Testament away, reveal Jesus in it, the Old Testament is the New Testament revealed) Rom 6:14, Rom 7, Gal 1-5 | Not so sure, we mix Grace and Law, a little bit of this a little bit of that…it’s like baking brownies with just a little dog poop in it…it won’t kill you |
4. Believers are justified by faith. Just-if-id. just if I’d never sinner Rom 3:20 | Believers are justified by your works, come serve in the Sunday service, go make disciples do do do then you are justified, need to earn it |
5. Believers are righteous by faith. From faith to faith. It’s a gift Rom 1:17. Rom 5:17, Dan 9:24 | Believers are righteous till they have sinned, confess all, repent to become righteous |
6. All your sins are forgiven you, past & present & future Eph 1:7, Col 1:13-14, Col 2: 13-14 | Believers are only forgiven of their sins once they confessed it and if you die before you confess the last sins you have committed you go to hell |
7. All God’s blessings and promises is a present tense, a now thing, not future. In Christ, you have everything right now. Eph 1:3, Rom 5:1 | God’s blessings are only for one day in the future…Heaven! come on…are we there yet? otherwise rather kill me so I can go enjoy life, no! NOW |
8. There is no such thing as generational curses under the New Covenant. Jesus took every curse for you Gal 3:13 | Come for deliverance, let’s break that curse, you are cursed, your son is sick because there is a curse, your mom died because of your Grand Fathers sin…Really? |
9. Grace is undeserved, unearned Favor of God…not works. it all depends on His Finished work and obedience. Rom 5:17, Rom 11:6 | Work for your Favor, it’s all works! What on earth happened to the Cross and His finished work? |
10. Blessings comes by faith Rom 4 | work for your blessings, your blessing is dependent on your obedience. it has everything to do with you |
11. Believers are in Christ, and He is in you, you are a NEW CREATION, old is gone Col 1:27, 2 Cor 5:17 | God is a distant God, somewhere in the sky, far off. You are a sinner and you are part of Adam |
12. No condemnation…..WHOO WHOO! Rom 8:1 | Stop sinning then we won’t condemn you or we will throw the first stones. oh I forgot, Nowadays they don’t stone you, they send emails |
13. Adam is not your family tree…Jesus is. You are Sons, Royalty, High Priest Peculiar People Col 1:13, 1 Pet 2:9 | You are a sinner, Servants, there’s no hope, only in Heaven |
14. SIN IS NO LONGER AN ISSUE WITH GOD BECAUSE JESUS TOOK CARE OF IT ON THE CROSS…kapish Col 1:13-14 | Sin is a big issue with God, He is angry with you standing ready with a stick to beat the living daylight out of you every time you do something wrong |
15. God is not MAD at you…He is madly in love with you. Rom 5:1, John 3:16 | God is mad at you, that why your son died, that’s why you struggle financially |
16. You are the righteousness of God in Christ…by faith no matter what you have done wrong or what your Pastors say. 2 Cor 5:21. Dan 9:24 | You are righteous till you have sinned then you must perform certain religious (so-called Good Works but it’s DEAD WORKS) things to become re-righteous |
17. Believers are not a SINNER but a SAINTS. 1 Cor 1:2 | You are a stinky sinner worth nothing |
18. Grace is not a license sin! It’s your freedom in Christ, the Law is the strength of sin | Grace means a license to sin…you must keep the 10 commandments…but they fail daily because not even Israel could keep it! |
19.Grace the New Covenant | Law and its Commandments |
20. As a Christian stand firm in the Freedom Christ has bought you from the Law | No, No No…you must practice the Law. not knowing the Law isn’t only 10 commandments but 613 commandments. you break One, you break them all |
21. As a Believers you have absolutely nothing to do with the Law of Moses….it’s not your standard for living neither your holiness, Grace is Rom 6:14, Tit 2:11 | You must keep the big 10 1.thou shall not 2. thou shall not Bla Bla Bla… |
22. God wants you to prosper in everything. Rom 5:17, 2 Cor 8:9 | Prosperity is not for Christians, they must be poor…sure? King Solomon then surely wasn’t a Christian…Lord whatever blessing they don’t want I’ll take it…Amen |
23. Lay your hands on the sick and heal them. Acts 19:12 | No, we don’t really believe in this, it was only for back then, it’s not God’s will for everyone to be healed! yes sure thing Jesus sent all who came for healing away |
24. Take communion as often as you can…Jesus died for people like you and me, it’s not for perfect people who is self-righteous cause they don’t need it 1 Cor 11:25-30 | Take Communion once a month or only with Church attendance and if there is un-confessed sin in your life, bad news! then you are disqualified and the condemnation carries on, can’t take Communion, God will judge you and kill you |
25. Repentance means to change your mind (Greek – Metanoya) it has nothing to do with sin | Repent of all your sins, cry, beg, ask for forgiveness |
26.No sin consciousness Heb 10:22 | Sin conscious all the time |
27.New covenant Pastors brings your righteousness to remembrance Rom 1:17 | Old covenant Pastors brings your sins to remembrance |
28. Nothing can separate you from the Love of God. Rom 8 | Your sins and unrighteousness will separate you from God’s love |
29. Jesus from the Tribe of Judah, our High Priest sat down. Book of Hebrews | High Priest from the Tribe of Levi so technically Jesus cannot be their Savior |
30. the Law isn’t just 10 Commandments! surprise… it’s 613 commandments and not even Israel could keep it. I am for the Law, for the reason God gave the Law, to show man up! To show man his need for a Savior | We are under Law, we keep the Shabbat. we are self-occupied and self-righteous. Let me boast in my Law-keeping! All that God commands we can do. |
31.God is for you! Rom 8:31 | God is against you and hates you |
32. God heals and give good things | God is the source of your problems |
Praying in Tongues is for everyone that is a BELIEVER….not just for selected people. it’s a Grace gift. 1 Cor 13, Mark 16 | Praying in Tongues is only for selected people…no no no…Jesus said those who believe will speak in a new Language! do you really believe then??? |
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I am not stupid, my mama raised no fool neither are you! I made my decision not to preach another Gospel. I’d rather have a double Blessing from God than a double curse of God.