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This is the Gospel. Transforming Grace! Grace teaches you to deny ungodliness Tit 2:11



The Law was given by Moses: John 1:17, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us to Rightly Divide the Word. Law on one side, Grace is on the other side. Truth and Grace are divided from the Law.

Grace and Truth are in the Greek Singular verb. Grace and Truth are in a singular verb. Literally, grace and truth come by Jesus Christ. Grace and Truth; one comes through Jesus Christ. Grace is not a teaching; it is the Person of Jesus Christ. It is not a doctrine, it is a Person. It is not a doctrine, it is Jesus Christ.

When you come in person, that is intimate. Law was given, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ and was imparted.

Under the law, the law was not able to impart righteousness even though the law was righteous. God imparted righteousness as a gift to men through Grace.

Under the law, the souls that sins will die, but under Grace, because Jesus died, there is no more sin and death for you.

Under the law, I’ll by no means clear the guilty, but visit their sins to the third and fourth generation.

Under grace, I will no longer remember your sins anymore, and bless you for a thousand generations.

The first miracle in Moses, Under Law, the water turned into blood resulting in death in Egypt.

Under Grace, Jesus turned the water into wine resulting in life and joy at the wedding of Cana.

When God gave the Law on Mt. Sinai, Pentecost reminded them of the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai. Jews celebrate Pentecost because it represents to them the giving of the Law.

When the Day of Pentecost fully came, God gave the Spirit of God, Life, and Salvation and Great Joy.

On Mount Sinai on first Pentecost, given the Law, three thousand died, fifty days after Passover. They died at the foot of the mountain.

On the Day of Pentecost in the New Covenant, three thousand were saved at the foot of the mountain. The Law kills, but the Spirit gives life

Have you moved mountains?

Pastors: Have you moved your pulpit from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Zion? Those at Mt. Zion will be established forever. The Old Covenant came from Mt. Sinai, II Cor. 3, The ministry of death,  The Ten Commandments, the ceremonial law. 2 Cor. 3:5-7

God is no longer at Mt. Sinai but is now at Mt. Zion

The Law Written on Stones Called the Ministry of Death by the Bible:

2 Corinthians 3:5-7 (Amplified Bible)

5Not that we are fit (qualified and sufficient inability) of ourselves to form personal judgments or to claim or count anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from God.

6[It is He] Who has qualified us [making us to be fit and worthy and sufficient] as ministers and dispensers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not [ministers] of the letter (of legally written code) but of the Spirit; for the code [of the Law] kills, but the [Holy] Spirit makes alive.(A)

7Now if the dispensation of death engraved in letters on stone [the ministration of the Law], was inaugurated with such glory and splendor that the Israelites were not able to look steadily at the face of Moses because of its brilliance, [a glory] that was to fade and pass away, (

If you want to push the Old Covenant, God will not visit you or help you. If you push the New Covenant, Grace and Truth and Life, God will visit and help you. The Holy Spirit helps even little children, memorizing scripture. How many people have memorized the Ten Commandments: You try, but you cannot. John 3:16, for God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son, should be the verse in our schools and that we teach our children, not the law. We should be fighting to put that one in every public school, not the Ten Commandments, the Ministry of Death. Grace will cause the dominion of sin to cease over their lives, meaning children or anyone. Grace is what will win our young people to the Lord.

The ministry of death, God made us sufficient as ministers of the New Covenant. The Letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. At Sinai, the Law came and people were killed, but in the New Covenant, they received His Spirit.

First Pentecost, you shall not, you shall not, you shall not, placing demands on yourself. The Law is all about man’s works and fulfilling demands.

Second Pentecost: When God gave the Spirit, they all went out magnifying the wonderful works of God. In grace, His wonderful works are magnified. Our words cannot express it, but the language of heaven can express it. Our words fail us, but the Spirit words overflow from us, Acts 2 Pentecost.

Under man’s law, man’s works are magnified, under His grace, God’s works are magnified.

We look at God and we pray in the Holy Ghost and magnify Him.

God Says Very Clearly, the Letter Kills, the Spirit gives life, even a series on the Ten Commandments is teaching letters of death. Killing you softly with the Law. The letter kills. The Spirit gives life. The word life in the Greek is made whole, make fruitful, make well, make healthful. The ministry of death written and Engraved on stones is the Ten Commandments and God calls that the ministry of death. We are no longer under the Law engraved on stones. So only the Ten Commandments are written on tablets of stone. Ceremonial Law, observance, rituals, but the ministry of death is written and engraved on stones.

The Body of Christ, people are sick and depressed and the only answer the church has is, oh, you must have some sin in your life. The people in the church think there is some sin in your life. People are sick because they do not know their sin is paid for, the price was paid by Jesus death on the Cross. Science, medical science has proved that our DNA knows when we are wanting to punish ourselves. When we want to punish ourselves, our cells and genes know it. But we are to look to Jesus, look to the Cross and be healed.

People’s genes and cells respond to that guilt feeling and become sick in their bodies. Doctors call it autoimmune disorders, etc. They feel condemned and guilty. Their body turns on them. The Blood of Jesus has cleansed us. Our genes know when we are feeling guilty. Our genes respond to guilt. When there is a sin, you look to the Cross. The Cross took my punishment and sin. The Cross and payment at the Cross paid in full the price of your sin. Look to the Cross and be healed. Then your body will go back to peace. Guilt induced infirmities. Your body began fighting against itself. Grace tells your body to go back to peace. Your Genes go back to peace and sicknesses leave.

Jesus paid for all our sins. He is worth more than any man alive. He paid for them all. Jesus canceled the debt completely. Jesus did it because He loves us. Jesus is an overpayment for all our sins. He paid a Billion dollar payment for a ten dollar debt. In Him, we have forgiveness of sins; we have redemption for our sins from the richness of God’s grace.

The Bible puts it this way; we have redemption and forgiveness of sins according to the richness of God’s grace. We are not forgiven based on the knowledge of our sins, but it’s based on His payment of our sin. We can forget our sins. We can’t always catch every sin to repent and confess it. We cannot even remember all our sins. It’s not based on your ability to remember, confess and renounce all your sins; it’s based on His payment once and for all for our sins. Jesus knows the measure of your sins and has paid the whole price. Emancipated Heart and Clear Conscience.

It doesn’t depend on us remembering it. His blood forgives you for sins of commission and sins or remission, all sins, emancipated heart and purged conscience are the result of the Cross. Every time there is a sin debt, there is a sin consciousness. If you cannot pay the debt, you avoid, because there is debt on your conscience. The price has been paid, overpaid. We can boldly approach His throne of Grace because He has paid the whole debt and removed it from your conscience completely. We can have self-imposed guilt. Jesus has paid the whole thing and more, He is an overpayment, so all our guilt is washed away.

When there is debt on our conscience and we cannot pay, we want to avoid. We want to put off. We avoid because debt is on our conscience. That is what humanity is doing to God. Christ has overpaid our debt. We do not have to hide from God. Faith is having a good opinion of God. Debt makes us have hard feelings about God.

We sometimes have self-imposed guilt and debt. But he has paid it all in the estimation of God; He is the overpayment for our sin.

God has enriched by the work of Jesus. God has received more than what Jesus has done than what he has done in creating Adam. We are enriched because of HIM, what HE did. Jesus was the overpayment for all sins for all time. Your billionaire friend has overpaid your debt, so now we can come boldly to God, knowing that Jesus was the overpayment for our debt.

We are no more under the law, but under grace. Law is the ministry of death, but Grace is the ministry of Life. You cannot mix the two. You cannot put new wine into an old wineskin, made of goatskin, gets hard; you cannot put the grace into a law wineskin. You are under one or the other, but not both any longer. You cannot mix it. You are either under law or under grace.

Because we have been confident in our own efforts and achievements, we may be under the law. The Law was only there to show us our sin and that we were guilty in order to turn us to grace. The law will bring us to the end of ourselves.

If your eye offends you pluck it out. The eye is undressing a woman and committing adultery in his heart by lusting. If you hand offend, cut it off. What is Jesus saying? Are we to amputate our body parts? The whole church would be walking around mutilated. No, He was saying that when you come under law, you have to come under all of the law. You have to perform the whole law. We don’t just pick and choose what law we want to keep. Either all or none. If under Grace, then only grace through faith and not law. The law is designed to make you aware of your sin, a tutor. If you go after the law, it will make you aware of how sinful you are.

I Cor. 15: 56. Sin is the strength of the Law. The dynamite of the law is sin. The devil is threatened when you remove the law because the guilt and condemnation are his weapons. Without the Law, there is no consciousness of sin. The devil wants you under the Law in order to keep you condemned. Jesus came to free men from sin once and for all and cleanses them of a guilty conscience. We see our need for grace. We see our need for the Savior. Only by the Holy Spirit can we receive all the good for all our bad.

At the cross, Jesus took the place and suffered all the consequences and took our place and suffered those things so that we do not have to. It takes the Holy Spirit to understand Grace.

The church is trying to defeat an enemy that is already defeated and pay a debt that has already been paid. Many today are fighting battles in their prayer life that was already won at the Cross. The devil is defeated. He is already disarmed. But many are fighting today a battle that they think is still raging when Jesus defeated the enemy at the Cross. They simply need to receive the Finished Work of the Cross and the Supply of the Cross. They simply need to enter into the finished work, the Rest of God. The Christian life is a life of Rest. The more you let go, the more God takes over. The more you take over the more God stands back and you work by your own efforts which are fruitless. We must enter into His rest. When we yield to grace, we trust God and receive His supply. We are not meant to be human doings, but human beings. It’s not about what WE can do for HIM. It’s all about all that He does, the work of grace, His supply. See His supply, live in His Rest. Stop struggling and received what has already been finished. It’s never what we can do for God, but only what He has already done for us. It’s all about receiving the finished work of Christ and seeing His supply.

The Law is holy, but it cannot make you holy. It is righteous, but cannot make you righteous. The Law is like a mirror. It is inflexibly true and cannot lie. The law is like a mirror, holy, just and righteous. IT reveals blemishes but has no power to remove them. You cannot blame the mirror is you look into it and see ugly. You cannot blame the mirror. To remove the blemishes, you don’t clean the mirror, you clean your face. The Law can only reveal to you, you. It cannot reveal to you, God. It takes Grace to reveal to you, God. Under the Law, you touch the leper, you become unclean. Under grace, Jesus touched the leper and the unclean became clean. Under law uncleanness was transferable. Under grace, our cleanness, our holiness, our righteousness, our healing is transferable. The power of God is here through Grace to remove your blemishes, your guilt, and your sin. If you are unclean by disease, the power of God is here.

We are not worried the world will pull us down; the Grace of God will pull you out. The world is not to pull you down. No one died from Egypt to Sinai. It is a picture of pure Grace. Was there anyone who died? Not one died. There was a sin. They murmured at the Red Sea. God displayed His grace and opened up the Red Sea. Nagging is a sin. Complaining is a sin. They murmured at the Red Sea. He displayed his grace, the waters opened up. At Mara, God showed Moses the tree. He made the bitter water sweet. They were okay for a few days and then they cried out to God for water and God brought forth water out of the Rock; God brought forth manna from heaven when they were hungry. Every fresh murmuring and complaining brought forth a fresh grace from God. This time period they did not have the Law. It was based on Gods goodness and Gods faithfulness.

During this time period, even though they sinned, no one died. Over 2 million. Exodus 19, Moses says I want to make you a kingdom of priests to me and gathered at the foot of the mountain at Mt. Sinai. The people said, Whatever God commanded us; we are well able to perform it. Whoever thought of signing a contract without reading the terms? They have not heard the law yet, haven’t even heard what God would require and man presumed on his own goodness and abilities before God. Then God told them not to come near them.

God would come down and be with Joseph and with Abraham and give him wisdom. Abraham was holy and lived 400 years before the Ten Commandments were given. They did not know the law, they had Jesus revealed to them and His grace. Abraham did not know the law, because it had not yet been given. Abraham knew Jesus, he knew God. Being under the law is a strength to fail, the strength of sin. Romans 6: 14, YOU ARE NOT under the law, but under grace.

Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you shall not be under the law, but under grace.

The devil has swapped the whole thing around on us.

The strength of sin is the law. All that God says, they said, We are well able it is not based on our goodness or our ability. He told them, do not come near me or you will die.

Man cannot, but man does not know that man cannot, that is why we need His Grace.

In the next chapter, God gave the commandments to bring a man to the end of himself, to bring him back to reliance upon Him, His Grace, His ability. Even now, man does not realize that he cannot do it. Man still thinks today that he can perform under his own ability. Under the law, they broke the commandments; you shall have no other gods before me and immediately made a golden calf. Sin results under the law. Under the law, when the people murmured, they died. No one died before the Law. It was all dependent on His goodness. Under the law, same sin, they died.

Look at the foot of the mountain, a golden calf. They were put under the law and sin was the result. When the people murmured, they died once the law was given. Grace is only dependant on HIS goodness, not our goodness.

They brought to Jesus the woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees, the Guardian of the Law, the Torah. They put her right in front of Jesus. The Pharisees declared We caught her in the very act. Where was the man who was in that act with her? It takes two, but they only brought the woman. People who loved to keep their rules do not care about people under the law. They are worried about the act of adultery, not the woman. Adultery takes two. They only brought the woman before Jesus. Moses says that such should be stoned, and then asked Jesus, but what do you say? But where was the man? If they were really concerned about adultery according to the law, they would have brought them both before Jesus.

They tested Him with this, What do you say?

Jesus said nothing and stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger. Joseph Prince went to Jerusalem and saw this actual area. It is stony. Solomon’s Colonnade is not a sandy area, it is actually stone. They challenged Him on the Law. But He stooped down to the ground and wrote on stone, and what do you think He was He demonstrating? You presume to tell me the law. I am the one who gave the law written upon STONE. Since you fight so hard for the law, I am going to give you the Law in all its pristine rightness. He who is among you without sin may throw the first stone. One by one they all left. They thought they would catch Jesus in His words. They thought they would catch Him according to the law. They thought that they had Jesus, but Jesus had them.

He preached about God’s love and grace. Jesus had them. Go ahead and throw the first stone. He, who is without sin, throws the first stone. If you want the whole law, then each of them too would have to be stoned. But He had come to bring Grace. Only one could throw the stone, the Only Guiltless, Sinless One present, but He would not. He demonstrated His Grace toward this woman. The Pharisees would if they could, but He came to bring grace. So one by one they left. Jesus said, Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. The Law condemns. Grace forgives and releases.

Beginning with the elders, they all left, beginning with the eldest to the youngest, they all left, older people can be guiltier. They are more aware of their guilt. Young people are guilty too, but they don’t feel their guilt. Beginning from the eldest to the youngest, they all left. Jesus wrote a second time. The first time he gave the law on stone, it never made it to the bottom of the mountain because Moses in his anger threw the stone tablets down and broke all ten. So Moses went up again and got the second set of tablets with the law written on them. This time, He, the Lord said, put it, the tablets of stone under the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant between the wings of the cherubim. Put them, the Law, under the Mercy Seat under the wings of the cherubim.

The centerpiece of the holy of holies is the Ark of the Covenant, the Throne of GRACE. The centerpiece of the Ark of the Covenant was the Mercy Seat and the Covering of the Cherubim. The Mercy Seat is the very heart of God. Love, Grace, execute justice. Mercy is His very heart.

Never love justice, love grace, execute justice. Never be a leader that loves justice. Be a leader that loves Grace. Never be one who rejoices when justice is done, but one who loves the Grace of God given to one who is guilty.

Second time means mercy and grace. Where are your accusers? Has no one accused you? Neither do I accuse you.

I am not under condemnation. I am under grace. No one accused her, neither do I condemn you, Go and Sin No More. Jesus gave the gift of NO Condemnation; you will go and sin no more. Under guilt and shame, you are doomed to repeat that sin. Under Grace, you are released from your sin, never to go and do it again.

One is to be under law and one is to be under grace. Christ is our righteousness our holiness, our healing and length of days. Christ is our healing. Christ is our Grace. Christ is our forgiveness and Life.

Galatians. 5:4

Galatians 5:4 (New International Version)

4You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace

If you are justified by the law, then Christ is of no effect for you. Christ becomes of no effect unto you, whosoever of you who are justified by the law. By your performance, your obedience, you are trying to get something that is already merited for us through Jesus. You cannot have rest if you think there is still warfare to be accomplished. Jesus cried once and for all, It is Finished. You can make His sacrifice of no effect. Christ is our sanctification. Christ is our healing. You don’t want him to be of no effect. When you trust in your own goodness, your own merit, then you cannot receive His favor.

Sin does not stop revival. When a Revival stops, there are those who always say, Well Sin must have been in the Camp. Sin does not stop Revival. If that were the case, it would never have begun because Revival comes upon sinful people. What stops revival? Getting back into the Law, ala Pensacola.

God’s Grace will stop sin. Revival happens where there is a sin. We can touch HIM and receive our healing. The woman with the issue of blood broke commandments by being in public and having a flow of blood, but it was her FAITH that made her well. She was a woman touching a man. She had an issue of blood that made her unclean, and she was not supposed to be in public, all commandments that were broken, but she did not move out of Law, but out of Grace and Faith. Faith comes out of grace, not out of the law. Law voids grace.

Romans 4:13-15 (Amplified Bible)

13For the promise to Abraham or his posterity, that he should inherit the world, did not come through [observing the commands of] the Law but through the righteousness of faith.(A)

14If it is the adherents of the Law who are to be the heirs, then faith is made futile and empty of all meaning and the promise [of God] is made void (is annulled and has no power).

15For the Law results in [divine] wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression [of it either].

Note on This Passage: It wasn’t through the Law but through the Righteousness of faith. It comes through the righteousness of faith. Abraham believed God and prospered.

Health and wealth, Abrahams blessings are there as the heir of the world. Are we merely talking about spiritual riches? No, it is natural riches. Abraham was wealthy. The blessing of Abraham made them rich and his wife was beautiful at the age of ninety. Were we talking about a deeper inner spiritual beauty? No, these Egyptians had no knowledge or discernment of those things. They were looking upon her natural beauty. They saw a beautiful woman even in her old age. The blessing of Abraham is the renewal of youth. It is a natural beauty and natural youth at an old age. It is in the blessing of Abraham, natural wealth. Sara and Abraham passed away at a very old age. Longevity is included in this blessing. These people lived hundreds of years under Grace. God called Abraham His friend. He lived over 400 years before the Law was given. Abraham had power and influence with God. Abraham limited God in Sodom. He had influence with God. He interceded. God responds to the voice of a man. God responded to Abraham’s intercession for Sodom. If you are Christ’s, then you are of Abraham’s seed, see Galatians. What Voids Faith? The Law Voids out Sin.

Why has the church preached about the blessing of Abraham and they don’t see it? They are trying to get it through Law and not through the grace of God. It is only through the righteousness of faith. What voids out faith? Sin is a finished and closed case at the Cross. What Voids out Faith? It isn’t sin. It is only received by faith. Our works on our own ability and strength voids faith. Believe you are righteous apart from your behavior and your works. The blessings will manifest. What voids faith? Faith is made void for those who are under the Law. The Law voids faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. It becomes what you have done or what you should have done. The shoulds and woulds of what you did voids Grace, makes the promise of no effect. Grace is receiving the promise and believing it. The Law is working for the promise by your efforts, your own sufficiency, but we are of Grace and Christ’s Sufficiency.

The Centurion and the Canaanite woman: Both had something in common. Jesus marveled over both of them and said they had great faith. The Canaanite woman, Jesus said of her, Oh woman, great is your faith. Great is your faith, greater than in all of Israel. What is their secret of their faith? Was it the centurion’s understanding of authority? But what about the woman, the homemaker? What was her secret? Both individuals were completely different. One was a man, one was a woman. One was a public servant, one a homemaker and a mother. What was the common denominator between them? They were both Gentiles, they were not conscious of the Law and neither had been raised up under the Law, but were only conscious of ME, the Lord. Both were Gentiles. They never heard where they were falling short and missing it. They were only aware of Jesus and His grace. They had never known the Law of Moses and they received from the Lord what they needed.

From Adam until Moses, there was sin in the world, and they lived long lives. They didn’t have the sense of sin and failure, but through the law, condemnation kills. Longevity will be restored. Those that lived long lives, until the Law came into the world, the people lived long. Condemnation kills. When you remove the law from the church, longevity will be restored. Long Life will I satisfy you. Wives will become beautiful and restored to their youth because they are daughters of Sarah. Men will be strong and virile without any assistance.

The Essence of the Law is Demand. Whenever you feel like you are under demand, you are under the Law. The Law Demands something from you. Whenever you are under demand you are under the law. Demands, datelines coming on, living by demand mentality. But whatever is demanded of me the supply is thereby GRACE.

Under grace, God imparts grace as a gift, He imparts Righteousness as a Gift, He imparts Holiness as a Gift, not a demand. Whatever feels like a demand, or a deadline, you are under Law, and you have a demand mentality. Grace Says: whatever God wants of me, God will supply for me. Ever since He said, It is finished; from the Cross, the Grace of God has been flowing ever since. You pray in the flow of Grace. You don’t pray for victory, you pray from Victory. Our position is a position of the Flow of Grace. We don’t have to storm heaven FOR Victory, we are praying from the Position of Victory. We simply receive. We don’t have to pray for victory, but we pray from victory.

God supplies the grace for sermons and messages. The supply is from God. It is not a demand, but a supply from the Lord. We step into the River and the River carries us.

Under the demand mentality, Christ becomes of no effect. We are not to live under demands but under the supply of grace. Even unreasonable demands from your boss or superiors, see God’s grace and favor supply flowing to do what you need to do. When you see the supply, you Thank God. Thanks is the correct response to the ministry of Grace. The Greek word for grace and thanks is the same word. Thank you in Italian is Gracia and in Spanish, it is gracias, and they are the same word. It comes from Grace. Charis is grace, grace gifts and thanks in the Greek. When Jesus saw the five loaves and two small fish, He gave thanks and they multiplied. He didn’t see the demand, He saw the supply. He said, Father, I thank you. We have to see the supply and give thanks. He saw the supply all the time. He saw supply and He gave thanks and He multiplied. You must see that through the Cross, the supply is available. An attitude and heart thing sees the supply and the opportunity to be generous. God is dynamiting, God is supplying all grace toward you and that is why you can be a cheerful giver.

God loves a cheerful giver, is an attitude. You are not afraid of tomorrow, because of God’s supply for tomorrow. There is Grace Supply for today. When tomorrow is today, there will be new Grace for Today again.

Healing: His Grace is His supply. It is not demand mindset or performance mindset, but it is His Grace is His supply. Thank you for the supply of Grace and that you’re healing is that supply of Grace. When we lay hands on the sick, SEE the Supply of Grace for that Healing and the Person will be made whole. SEE the supply coming from the Cross and the Finished Work. You don’t have to strive in your own efforts for Healing, Receive and SEE the Supply of Grace to make them whole.

We release the supply of grace. The supply is there. A simple prayer, simple release. Demand, the Law never works. It must be grace. It must be the supply. It stems out of thankfulness.

The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. Under the law, Jesus gave the law to bring a man to the end of themselves and see their own weakness. Under grace, Paul says; forgive, because God for Christ’s sake forgives you. Forgive because you have been forgiven. As Christ was in the world so are we. Is Christ sick? No. Is Christ striving? No. Is Christ full of sin? No. As Christ was in the world, so are we sinless, healed, and perfected.

When teaching on healing, we add things to a list of why people are not healed. We come up with things that heap guilt upon people. It’s your sin. It’s this or that. Sin was taken care of at the Cross once and for all. It weighs people down to have to cover all their own bases. The Lord told Joseph, Stop disqualifying my people. My Blood has qualified them for healing. My Blood took care of the sin issue. From then on we can tell people that there is nothing wrong with God or His word and nothing wrong with you. Let’s believe God and pray right now.

We have to be Jesus conscience and not self-conscience and then healing flows. All this supply is here for us today. See His supply for your need. For any sin problem, you have fallen from Grace. Hebrews 12, falling short of the grace of God. It’s trying to do good with your efforts. Under demand mentality, you fall from grace. Sexual immorality comes in and temptations happen because we fall from grace and do not see the supply. Law is having a demand mentality instead of a grace mentality. The demand mentality will keep you under the Law. Jacob received grace; the prodigal son came home and received grace. The older brother stated that he kept all your commandments and served the father. He didn’t see the supply, but only the demand. All things were given to the son by the father and were accessible by him at any time, but he didn’t see the supply, he only saw the demand.

The root of bitterness is from a demand mindset. You place demands and expectations on others and when they don’t perform, you become bitter and angry at them or yourself. Bitterness arises. Remove the demand and give grace and bitterness will leave you. The demand mentality causes you to blame and accuse and your own filters see them incorrectly, it is not the person you are with, but your own demand mindset you project on others. You see them as not living up to your expectations because you are placing them under demand instead of under Grace. See the supply all the time, not the demands. Supply is all around us if we receive it. All because Jesus took our place on Calvary. He became our curse that we might be blessed. He cried my God, my God why have you forsaken me. He was in darkness that we might have eternal light.

Under the law when Elijah prayed for the fire to come from heaven as fiery judgment and fire fell and the stones and wood were all burned up. Under the law, the judgment was greater than the victim. Under grace, the victim is greater to God than the judgment. He absorbed all the judgment, the victim is saved. The divine victim was greater than the judgment and he unleashed on all of us the floodgates of grace, favor, and blessing.

We don’t beg for the supply, we SEE the supply. Don’t punish or beat up yourself or others. He was smitten for you and me. God never curses the one Jesus died for if you accept what Jesus has done for us. Jesus our Surety. He took our punishment for us.

Living under grace relinquishes fleshly control. God never gave the Law to make man righteous. The law was given to reveal that every man under heaven is guilty, but the grace of God was given to make us righteous. We must come to the end of ourselves and our works and receive His supply and grace.

Romans 6:14 14For sin shall not [any longer] exert dominion over you, since now you are not under Law [as slaves], but under grace [as subjects of God’s favor and mercy].

Romans 6:1-2

1WHAT SHALL we say [to all this]? Are we to remain in sin in order that God’s grace (favor and mercy) may multiply and overflow?

2Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?

Sin shall not have dominion over you. Sin is not okay, but it shall no longer have any dominion over you either. People who are not under Grace and as a result you are under Law and under the dominion of sin. Sin is the Strength of the Law. Come back to grace and you will not be under condemnation and sin. The strength of sin is the law. You come back into the Life of Rest. You cannot produce with your flesh holiness. The flesh is only fit for corruption. You cannot put hope or confidence in the flesh. When you put your trust in your abilities, you are back under the Law. It’s not of us or our trying or our effort or ability. Your trying puts you under the Law. Your determination is not what gets you free, but the Supply of the Finished Work of Grace. We must rest in His grace. Every true transformation is effortless. Receive His Supply for that need. The change produced by your efforts requires your ongoing efforts to keep it. Grace produces Rest. Rest in Grace. Enter into the Rest of God through Grace.

Either we are in a demand mindset or a supply mindset. See His supply. Receive His grace. Receive His supply, receive His healing. Demand is Law. The supply is constantly streaming toward us from the cross. Jesus moved once really big and it’s called the Cross and from that moment forward it’s done and finished and now the cross is constantly supplying. It’s not this place or that place. It’s a constant supply that flows from the Cross forever and ever. Grace is about done. The Law is about do, do, do. In your thinking, you have in your mind, this contract, this responsibility, demand, demand, and demand. You’ll find yourself stressed and under demand. Under Grace, the daily responsibilities are still there, but you see the supply to fulfill them instead of the demand. We see the supply of healing. We see the supply of whatever we need. It’s not about our performance to get the supply. We step into the supply that is always there. When Jesus spoke to healing needs, He saw the supply, stretch out your hand. He saw that supply.

Jesus thanked the Father outwardly and publically and then Lazarus came forth. He saw that supply. He thanked God for that supply. It’s not God that demands this and that of us. It’s our ability to respond to His grace, the work that is already done. Make Jesus the focus. God is not measuring you based on you but based on His Son. As Jesus is, so are we in this world. So are we. Jesus is accepted, so are we. We are accepted before the Father. The devil wants you to look at you instead of focusing on the Lord Jesus. Be Jesus conscience. Everywhere we see Jesus, where we behold Him, we are changed and transformed and become like Him. We put our eyes on Jesus. We worship Him. It’s not about us doing and being right. We are made right by Him. God wants us to focus on Him, on Jesus beauty. All that He is, I am in Him.

As Jesus is in this world, so am I. Behold the loveliness of Jesus and the more we behold Him, the more we are transformed by Him.

Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ who left heaven’s glory came to earth to bring me Your grace, who died on the cross who took my place and my shame and died under my judgment so that I will never ever be judged and condemned because He took my place so that I might have His place of Grace and Favor. All my sins are forgiven and I am greatly blessed and highly favored.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. They will prosper who love them. We have All the Blessings of Abraham and the All the Blessings of Deuteronomy 28, all the Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are walking in the Favor of God every day, every week and the Lord Smiles on you lifts up His countenance on you and grants you His peace. Amen.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: Three kinds of Law:

Ceremonial Law of rituals does and don’ts, traditions, holidays, foods, ceremonial washings and sacrifices, ceremonial tradition The Law is written on Tablets of Stone The Ten Commandments The Law of Demands deadlines, time-frames, quotas, others expectations of us, natural law

How do we respond to these types of law in Grace?

It pleased the Lord to bruise Him. Why? The Arm of the Lord is the Lord. His righteous right hand is the Lord Jesus. The Arm of the Lord will be revealed-Jesus has been revealed to us as the exact expression and representation of the Father.

It pleased the Lord to bruise Him: The story of the child in his arms at the mall, the story of my cat Baby on my lap in the lazy boy chair.

What is Repentance: A Changing of our Mind to turn from something that keeps us from God and turning toward Him? What Repentance is not: Mourning and Groveling over our sin and begging for forgiveness? Repentance is turning toward a person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

What is rightly dividing the Word? BC/AD – The Old Covenant and the New Covenant


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